The CTN Metadata Project
CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Canadian HIV Trials Network (CTN) supports twelve vast cohort studies, covering the spectrum of HIV clinical manifestations and affected key populations. Optimal use of the data and biospecimens stored by each of those cohorts, as well as cross-cohort collaborations, are hampered by the lack of a central database and data dictionary describing the scope of the overlapping and complementary data co-collected in each study. Metadata from each cohort was manually extracted from study protocols, case report forms, and data dictionaries. Individual participants' data was not pooled. In total, over 100 documents were reviewed resulting in 34 tables of variables. Heat maps were constructed to show 15 broad data domains, the variables collected in each data domain, and, for those variables requiring further analysis, the variation in definitions across cohorts. This downloadable resource allows rapid visualization of the areas of overlap between the 12 of the largest HIV-related cohort studies in Canada, promoting new collaborations and secondary use of previously collected data and biospecimens.
HIV E-learning modules
There are excellent approaches and novel interventions that are taking place in community-based organizations across the country, which are demonstrating success in combating HIV-related issues. Yet, despite these many advances, HIV continues to persist as a significant public health threat in Canada, specifically among difficult-to-reach populations facing social and structural inequities.
To address this reality, CAHR collaborates with community members, policy makers, educators, practitioners/service providers and researchers in the development of E-learning modules. These modules are designed to support communities, students and research teams in the many aspects of HIV, community-based research, and intervention research.
CAHR thanks its sponsors, including the Public Health Agency of Canada and Gilead Sciences, for their important contributions.
Modules de téléapprentissage
On observe, un peu partout au pays, au sein des organisme communautaires, nombre d’approches excellentes et d’interventions novatrices qui s’avèrent efficaces pour lutter contre les problèmes dus au VIH. Et pourtant, au Canada, malgré ces nombreuses percées, le VIH demeure encore une menace de taille en santé publique, notamment dans les populations difficiles à atteindre confrontées à des inégalités structurelles et sociales.
Pour faire face à cette réalité, l’ACRV continue à s’associer aux membres de la collectivité, aux décideurs, aux éducateurs, aux praticiens/fournisseurs de services et chercheurs dans le développement de modules de téléapprentissage conçus pour appuyer les collectivités, les étudiants et les équipes de recherche dans nombre d’aspects de la recherche sur le VIH, de la recherche communautaire et de la recherche interventionniste.
La liste complète des ressources peut être consultée à l'adresse suivante:
L’ACRV remercie ses sponsors, notamment l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada et Gilead Sciences, pour leurs importantes contributions.
Programme de recherche pancanadien sur le vih, le vieillissement et le grand age
Le Programme de recherche pancanadien sur le VIH, le vieillissement et le grand âge est un outil
pour guider les prises de décisions de quatre catégories d’intervenants :
1) Agences subventionnaires et comités d’examen des demandes de bourses de recherche
2) Investigateurs principaux et membres des équipes de recherche
3) Décideurs et militants
4) Institutions, établissements de soins et organismes communautaires
The Pan-Canadian Research Agenda on HIV, Aging and Older Adulthood
The Pan-Canadian Research Agenda on HIV, Aging and Older Adulthood is a tool to guide decision-making by four interested parties:
1) Research Funders and Grant Review Committees
2) Principal Investigators and Research Team Members
3) Policy Makers and Policy Change Advocates
4) Institutions, Residential Care Settings and Community-Based Organizations
Impact of a personalised, digital, HIV self-testing app-based program on linkages and new infections in the township populations of South Africa
McGill University
We conducted a quasi-randomized controlled trial with our HIVSmart! program in South Africa to evaluate the impact of an App-based, personalized, oral HIV self-testing program. We were able to demonstrate that through our program it was possible to link 99% of our participants to clinical care, detect 1.5 times new HIV infections, and increase referrals to self-test by 5.5 times.
“You got five strikes there already”: Characterizing the lived experiences of older people living with HIV in Ontario, Canada through community-based research
Poster presentation on PANACHE (Preferences and Needs for Aging Care Among HIV-Positive Elderly People) – a communitybased, participatory research program aimed at describing the self-reported healthcare and social support needs and preferences of older people living
with HIV in Ontario, Canada.
Situating the Preferences And Needs for Aging Care among HIV-positive Elderly people in Ontario within the UN Principles for Older Persons
Preferences And Needs for Aging Care among HIV-positive Elderly people in Ontario (“PANACHE ON”) is a qualitative community-based participatory research (CBPR) study that conducted community consultations with people aging with HIV at nine community-based organizations in Ontario, Canada to ascertain their preferences and needs for aging care.
Environmental Scan of In Process Research on Health, HIV & Aging Sept 2021
This report authored by Realize and the National Coordinating Committee on HIV and Aging (NCC) and the research database, provide a snapshot of the HIV and aging research underway in Canada at a single point in time.
Incarceration and Sexually Transmitted and Blood-borne Diseases
National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of incarceration and STBBIs, and to provide evidence that correctional facilities in Canada are an essential setting for STBBI care. It includes a summary of risks and factors affecting transmission, and illustrates how movement between facilities and communities is an important factor in STBBI transmission.
Point-of-Care Testing for Sexually Transmitted and Blood‐Borne Infections: A Canadian Realist Review
National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases
This realist review aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the usefulness of STBBI POCT in Canada by highlighting what we found in the literature in terms of the enablers and barriers to implementing STBBI point of care testing. It includes a summary of the evidence regarding feasibility, cost effectiveness, detection of positive cases and early diagnosis, linkage to care, user preference, acceptability and uptake (including traditional serology versus POCT; single versus multiplex tests).
Celebrating 30 years of the CTN
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers, Civil Society
Canadian HIV/AIDS Treatment Network (CTN)
For the last 30 years, the CTN has played a central role in driving Canada’s HIV research efforts by uniting researchers to develop treatments, preventions, and a cure for HIV and related health conditions
Are we getting close to a cure for HIV/AIDS? How Canadian researchers are helping defeat the disease
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers, Civil Society
Canadian Institues of Health Research (CIHR)
Interview transcript with Dr. Marc Ouellette, Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity who discusses how Canada is contributing to the global effort to end HIV/AIDS.
Researcher Profile: Dr. Catherine Worthington
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers, Civil Society
University of Victoria - School of Public Health & Social Policy
Dr. Catherine Worthington, Making Connections School of Public Health and Social Policy
Dr. Worthington’s modus operandi is networking—connecting people and projects in the HIV community to enhance the research experience and the end results. The networks are “open and active,” she explains, “We are trying to promote, mentor, and bring together people from community, research and policy to do ...
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers, Civil Society
CTAC (Canadian Treatment Action Council)
CTAC Policy Researcher, Adam Cook, discusses the prevalence, cure and accessibility of treatment for people living with hepatitis C in Canada.
Tuberculosis in Canada
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers
Public Health Agency of Canada
This article presents an epidemiological summary of the active TB disease cases reported from 2006 to 2016, with a focus on 2016. Treatment outcomes for cases diagnosed in 2015 are also presented.
Researcher Profile: Dr. Hugo Soudeyns
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers, Civil Society
Universite de Montreal
HIV and HCV in Mother and Child
Dr. Hugo Soudeyns, Professor at Université de Montréal and researcher at CHU Sainte-Justine, has been involved with HIV research since the early years of its emergence. He has seen a considerable amount change over this time, from knowing little about the virus at the outset to the ...
Knowledge and Awarenes of HIV: key findings from the 2012 HIV/AIDS Attitudinal Tracking Survey
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers
Public Health Agency of Canada
The Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada focuses on preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, slowing its progression, and improving the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS. As a horizontal initiative, it leverages a collaborative approach by the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Correctional Service of Canada, along with provincial and territorial governments, non-governmental organizations, researchers, health care professionals, and people living with, and vulnerable to, HIV/AIDS.
Researcher Profile: Dr. Andrew Mouland
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers
McGill University
Addressing determinants of STBBI among street-involved youth
Fact Sheet: Experiences with the criminal justice system
Fact Sheet: Access to health services
Fact Sheet: Education and Employment
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers
People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)
Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN)
Sharing research on the effects of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND).
Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco interviews an esteemed panel of researchers about recent studies of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder
A view into the health of HIV-negative gay men in Vancouver
Government, Non-governmental organizations
Men who have sex with Men (MSM)
Canadian Institues of Health Research (CIHR)
This is a report from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Team for the Study of Acute HIV Infection in Gay Men. It presents data from interviews and questionnaires completed by HIV-negative study partici-pants between June 2011 and March 2013.
Impact of Polypharmacy on Older Adults
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers, Civil Society
People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)
Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC)
Polypharmacy is defined as the concurrent use of five or more medications. This document addresses the issue, risks, and tools for mitigating the effects of polypharmacy among older adults living with HIV
CTN Community Advisory Committee
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers, Civil Society
People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)
Canadian HIV Trails Network- CTN
Maggie Atkinson, CAC’s first chair, tells the story of CAC’s formation in 1993, its impact in the early pre-HAART years, and how including this community voice in HIV research changed the power structure between researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and people living with HIV.
Residential Schools, Prisons, and HIV/AIDS among Aboriginal People in Canada: Exploring the Connections
Government, Non-governmental organizations, Healthcare providers, Civil Society
Indigenous communities
Aboriginal Healing Foundation
While many Aboriginal communities are climbing out of dark pasts, what remains are significant challenges to retain culture, language, and traditional strengths while seeking to be adaptive to a new era. This report describes some of these challenges. They will help to understand that Survivors have needs, unique and above others in the Aboriginal population, yet they are still ...